Discussion on the Preparation for Monitoring the Implementation of SDGs

Discussion on Preparation for Monitoring the Implementation of SDGs with a Disability Perspective. This activity is a post follow-up activity SDGs monitoring training which is done online via Zoom. Organized by CIQAL, ILAI and MPM PP Muhammadiyah, and supported by the DRF (Disability Rights Fund). Is a part of advocacy to ensure the protection and fulfillment of the rights of persons with disabilities (disabilities).

The discussion discussed monitoring tools and preparation for monitoring the implementation of SDGs in Gunungkidul Regency
The discussion discussed monitoring tools and preparation for monitoring the implementation of SDGs in Gunungkidul Regency
This discussion was conducted in 4 districts, namely:
  • Gunungkidul on July 4, 2020.
  • Sleman on July 5, 2020.
  • Bantul dated 8 July 2020.
  • Kulon Progo dated July 9, 2020.

This discussion was attended by 10 people with disabilities from each district.

The discussion discussed monitoring tools and preparation for monitoring the implementation of SDGs in Sleman Regency
The discussion discussed monitoring tools and preparation for monitoring the implementation of SDGs in Sleman Regency

This in-person (offline) meeting was held to reinforce participants’ understanding of the monitoring of SDGs implementation with a disability perspective.

The discussion discussed monitoring tools and preparation for monitoring SDGs in Bantul Regency
The discussion discussed monitoring tools and preparation for monitoring SDGs in Bantul Regency

Previously, he held training on monitoring the implementation of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goal) for people with disabilities. These activities were carried out online because the Covid-19 pandemic situation has not ended. There are 4 trainings that have been conducted based on the areas to be monitored. First, related poverty . Second, education . Third, profession . Fourth, infrastructure .

Strengthen understanding regarding the importance of monitoring the implementation of SDGs from a disability perspective

The training materials that have been carried out are repeated in this discussion. What is monitoring about. Explained how to do monitoring. It also explains why this monitoring is important.

Discussion of monitoring tools and preparation for monitoring the implementation of SDGs in Kulon Progo Regency.
Discussion of monitoring tools and preparation for monitoring the implementation of SDGs in Kulon Progo Regency

Whether SDGs or TPB (Sustainable Development Goals) at the district level have actually been implemented inclusively. The point is whether the development carried out at the district level has targeted the needs of persons with disabilities. How many rights of persons with disabilities have been fulfilled. Things like this that need to be monitored or observed.

It is important to repeat the training material that has been given, so that participants really understand what they will do later in the field.

During the meeting the possibilities that might arise in the field were also discussed. Possible difficulties that may be experienced. For example, monitors fail to conduct interviews because of rejection. It also discusses which agencies or parties can be interviewed. Also who will do.

Test Monitoring Tools

Actually, the monitoring that will be carried out is for testing monitoring tools which is already structured. The monitoring tools were tested in 4 districts, namely Bantul, Sleman, Gunungkidul and Kulon Progo. In each district there is 1 monitoring team consisting of 10 persons with disabilities (diffable) with different disabilities. This diversity includes physical disabilities, blind and deaf disabilities.

The goals or areas to be monitored for each district / group are different. First , Gunungkidul Group will monitor the poverty sector. Second , Bantul group on infrastructure. Third , Sleman group specifically on education. Fourth , Kulonprogo group in the field of decent work. Each group will serve in their respective regency areas.

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